

Truth and Soul (Forthcoming) [co-edited with Kier-La Janisse]

Dave Barber’s Scrapbook (Forthcoming) [co-edited with Andrew Burke]

Mike Hoolboom: Work (2025)

Alexandra Gelis: Seeds (2021) [co-edited with Mike Hoolboom]

Imprints: The Films of Louise Bourque (2021) [co-edited with Stephen Broomer]

Shock, Fear, and Belief: The Films and Videos of Madi Piller (2016) [co-edited with Mike Hoolboom]

John Porter’s CineScenes: Documentary Portraits of Film Scenes, Toronto and Beyond, 1978 – 2015 (2015)

Artist Books

Camping at the Geriatric Ward (2024)

Impostor Syndrome (2021)

Conspiracies in Isolation (2021)

Work Stories (2020)

Confessions from the Deep Web (2019)

A Natural History of Forgotten Moments (2017)

Fragments from Streets of Berlin (2015)