The Lo-Fi Mixtape: The Selected Works of Clint Enns

Presented by Visions at la lumiere collective in Montréal, Québec on July 12, 2017.

Since commencing his moving image arts practice in 2006, Clint Enns has made a formidable leap into the world of underground cinema sharing his unique vision of no-fi/lo-tech images, marked with a deep understanding of experimental cinema and its history. Blending filmic sensibility with structuralist digital video investigations, Enns has created a body of work that builds from the history of avant-garde while simultaneously undercutting them, albeit with love and respect. His work includes glitch and circuit-bending experiments, tongue-in-cheek avant-garde remakes, bizarre appropriations and beautifully crafted Super 8 films. – Leslie Supnet

​Depuis les débuts de sa pratique cinématographique en 2006, Clint Enns s’est inscrit remarquablement dans le monde du cinéma underground en partageant sa vision filmique unique “no-fi/lo-tech”, marquée par une connaissance pointue du cinéma expérimental et de son histoire. Mélangeant sensibilité filmique et investigations structurelles vis-à-vis la vidéo numérique, Clint Enns a réalisé des oeuvres qui renvoient à l’histoire du cinéma d’avant-garde qu’il subvertit, avec amour et respect. Son travail comprend des expérimentations à partir de dysfonctionnements et déformation de circuits, des remakes taquins de films d’avant-garde, des appropriations bizarres, et de magnifiques films Super 8. – Leslie Supnet, translation Emma Roufs


The Death Of Natural Language | 2007 | 3 min. | Ascii Animation
Winnipeg Stories: Sacrificial Memories | 2008 | 5 min. | super8/video8
Prepare To Qualify | 2008 | 3 min. | Circuit Bent Atari -> DV
Putting Yourself Out There | 2009 | 2 min. | DV
Connecting With Nature | 2011 | 2 min. | DV
The Aesthetics Of Failure | 2008 | 3 min. | PXL2000->DV
Whiplash | 2009 | 1 min. | VHS->DV
The Flickerer | 2010 | 1 min. | Vidster
Splice Lines | 2012 | 1 min. | DV
Ten Skies | 2012 | 3 min. | DV
Self Improvement | 2010 | 3 min. | VHS->DV
A Knight’s Walk | 2014 | 12 min. | PXL2000/VHS/FlipCam/Computer Animation


Lost Photos Found | Performance Lecture | 30 min