Programmed by Clint Enns. Presented by The Fabulous Festival of Fringe Film in Durham, Ontario on August 3, 2013.
The edge of the world, the place where the sun goes to rest. Although we no longer worry about falling off the edge of the world, borders still seem to constrain us. Christopher Columbus knew the Earth was round when he proposed to reach India by sailing west from Spain, despite the fact that Catholic theologians insisted the Earth was flat. In these films and videos, technological, aesthetic, spiritual and ethnographic boundaries are examined, explored and expanded. Remember the mantra of the Magic Eye poster? We must look beyond the image to experience worlds that we never imaged to exist.
The Yodelling Farmer | Mike Marynuik & John Scoles | 2011 | 6 min. | 16mm->DV
Places with Meaning | Scott Fitzpatrick | 2012 | 3 min. | 16mm->DV
Shikisou | Barry Doupé | 2012 | 11 min. | DV
For, Like Ever | Christine Negus | 2010 | 6 min. | DV
Gains + Loses | Leslie Supnet | 2011 | 3 min. | DV
World Ages A | Zahid Jiwa | 2013 | 1 min. | DV
The Oder of Ideas at the Leslie Street Spit | 2012 | 3 min. | 16mm->DV
It’s the Norval Morrisseau, Jackson Beardy, Carl Ray, Eddie Cobiness, Daphne Odjig, Joe Sanchez and Alex Janvier Show | Darryl Nepinak | 2011 | 9 min.
On Being Selfish | Mark Pellegrino | 2010 | 5 min. | DV
The Land Behind | Sabrina Ratté | 2013 | 5 min. | DV
Semi-Auto Colours | Isiah Medina | 2010 | 6 min. | 16mm->DV
Dan Carter | Alison S.M. Kobayashi | 2006 | 14 min. | DV